Enabling Autopilot

How to enable the autopilot for your reminder plan to automize the recovery process
Written by Raphael
Updated 2 months ago

Once you have your reminder plan fully set up you can go on and enable the autopilot to let Kindly do all the work automatically.

If you haven't done so yet go read the instructions on how to set up a reminder plan first and come back afterwards.

General Info About the Autopilot

With the autopilot enabled Kindly is going to start the recovery process for all incoming unpaid orders considering filters set in the reminder plan. Of course, unpaid orders must be eligible for recovery. You can also choose to include older unpaid orders if you like to do so. 

Unpaid orders must have the following data to be eligible for recovery:
  • A valid email address
  • The payment status must be "Unpaid", "Partially paid" or "Expired" with orders and "Open" or "Invoice sent" with draft orders.

How the recovery process works

When a recovery for an unpaid order is started it will go through the reminder schedule set in your reminder plan. Kindly will automatically stop the recovery and set the status of the recovery to "Recovered" when the payment is made.

If no payment is made through the whole recovery process Kindly takes the final actions (Cancellation or Deletion) set in your reminder plan. If no final action is set Kindly will stop the recovery anyway after 5 days and set the recovery status to "Finished". 

Enabling the Autopilot

After setting up your first reminder plan there are two locations where you can enable the autopilot. 

In the reminder plan overview

Choose the reminder plan and click "Enable autopilot".

In the reminder plan settings

On the top right-hand corner you find the "Enable autopilot..." button. Click to start enabling the autopilot.

Choose which orders you like to consider

After clicking "Enable autopilot..."  the following modal pops up asking for the starting point of the autopilot. You can choose from the following options.

  • Incoming orders from now: Considers only those unpaid orders which you receive after enabling the autopilot
  • All orders (max 3 years back): Considers all unpaid orders not older than 3 years
  • Choose custom starting point: Considers all unpaid orders not older than the date you choose

Autopilot Successfully Enabled 🥳

You can see the autopilot is enabled when the status switches to green and says "ON".

In the reminder plan settings

In the reminder plan overview

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